Scientific Publications
GBS-MeDIP: A protocol for parallel identification of genetic and epigenetic variation in the same reduced fraction of genomes across individuals
Shiva Rezaei, Julia Uffenorde, Oliver Gimm, Mohammad Ali Hosseinpour Feizi, Stefan Miemczyk, Luiz Lehmann Coutinho, Per Jensen, Carlos Guerrero-Bosagna, and Fábio Pértille.
(FR) Perception des acteurs impliqués dans la préservation des races locales : une enquête du projet européen GEroNIMO
Marie-José MERCAT,, Andreia AMARAL, Riccardo BOZZI, Marjeta ČANDEK-POTOKAR, Pedro FERNANDES, Jetsabell GUTIERREZ VALLEJOS, Danijel KAROLYI, Denis LALOË, Zoran LUKOVIC, Herveline LENOIR, Gwendal RESTOUX, António VICENTE, Virginia RIBEIRO, Tamara RODRIGUEZ SILVA, Romuald ROUGER, Dubravko ŠKORPUT, and Martin ŠKRLEP.
Perceptions of stakeholders involved in preserving local breeds – A survey by the GEroNIMO project
Marie-José MERCAT, Andreia AMARAL, Riccardo BOZZI, Marjeta ČANDEK-POTOKAR, Pedro FERNANDES, Jetsabell GUTIERREZ VALLEJOS, Danijel KAROLYI, Denis LALOë, Zoran LUKOVIć, Herveline LENOIR, Gwendal RESTOUX, António VICENTE, Virginia RIBEIRO, Tamara RODRIGUEZ SILVA, Romuald ROUGER, Dubravko ŠKORPUT, and Martin ŠKRLEP
Enriched atlas of lncRNA and protein-coding genes for the GRCg7b chicken assembly and its functional annotation across 47 tissues
Degalez F, Charles M, Foissac S, Zhou H, Guan D, Fang L, Klopp C, Allain C, Lagoutte L, Lecerf F, Acloque H, Giuffra E, Pitel F, and Lagarrigue S
Simulation of dual-purpose chicken breeding programs implementing gene editing
Edward Chuang, Robin Wellman, Franck Meijboom, Jens Tetens, Jörn Bennewitz
Turopolje Pig: Between Conservation and Sustainability
Dubravko Škorput, Ana Kaić, Marija Špehar, Danijel Karolyi, and Zoran Luković
An improved transmissibility model to detect transgenerational transmitted environmental effects
I. David, A. Ricard
Genetic parameters and parental and early-life effects of boar semen traits
Pedro Sá, Rodrigo M. Godinho, Marta Gòdia, Claudia A. Sevillano, Barbara Harlizius, Ole Madsen & Henk Bovenhuis