Animal breeding plays an important part in the European food system!

Find the draft agenda and registration link here.

GENE-SWitCH aimed to deliver new underpinning knowledge on the functional genomes of two main monogastric farm species (pig and chicken), specifically focusing on developmental phases, and to enable immediate translation of this knowledge to the pig and poultry sectors.

During this final conference, we will present our main scientific results and, jointly with the ongoing H2020 project GEroNIMO, hold a dedicated policy and ethics session with European stakeholders.

We will celebrate the FAANG 10-year anniversary in a session entitled “The Functional Genome for Future Genotype-to-Phenotype Research and Applications in Swine and Poultry Breeding”.

This will include a round table focused on:

  • Genome annotations across developmental phases

  • The epigenetic impact of diets

  • Genomic selection of swine and poultry

Looking forward to seeing you in Brussels or online!

🗓️ 6-8 November, 2023

⏰ 6 November, 15.30h - 8 November, 13:30 CET

📍University Foundation, Rue d'Egmont 11, Brussels / BELGIUM 🇧🇪 🇪🇺

💻 Live-stream ⬇️

Don't forget to register ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️

About GEroNIMO

To face human population growth, increasing environmental constraints and changes in socio-cultural values, animal breeding must evolve toward a more sustainable model that guarantees production while promoting efficient resource use, animal health and welfare, and preserving genetic diversity. Thanks to recent developments in omics technologies, it is now possible to rethink breeding, taking advantage of improved knowledge on genome-to-phenome relationships that accounts for both genetic and non-genetic mechanisms controlling traits. GEroNIMO will work on chicken and pig, the most used sources of animal protein worldwide, to provide breeders with new knowledge and tools to promote innovative genome- and epigenome enabled selection methods for traits related to production (quantity and quality), efficiency, productive longevity, fertility, resilience and welfare.


Contact us.

Project Coordinator and Deputy Coordinator: Frédérique Pitel and Tatiana Zerjal, INRAE